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Installing Python

We will be installing Python 3.11 for this class.


Visit the Python download page. Click on the button to download the installer:

Python download button

Open the downloaded file and you will see the installer screen:

Python installer screen 1

Click the check box that says Add python.exe to PATH.

Then click the large Install Now button.


Visit the Python download page. Click on the button to download the installer:

Python download button

Open the installer and you will see the first screen:

Python installer screen 1

Click the Continue button several times and you will eventually get to the last screen:

Python installer screen 5

Click, the Install button and when it is finished you will see this window, which you can close:

Python installer screen 6

You will also see this window opened in the Finder:

Python finder certificates

Double-click the file called Install Certificates command, which will do one last step to ensure Python has the certificates it needs to download files safely over the Internet.