To start this assignment, download this zip file.
Lab 3c — Lists
1 minute
Download the zip file for this lab, located above. This zip file has code that
you will use for this assignment. Extract the files and put them in your cs110
directory in a folder called lab3c
5 minutes
Consider the following code:
if __name__ == '__main__':
puppies = ['labrador', 'greyhound', 'golden retriever', 'poodle']
puppies.append('australian sheepdog')
puppies = []
(1) What does the code print?
(2) Using the file
, step through the code to see what it does.
(3) Discuss with the TA as needed to understand what it does.
Shopping List
10 minutes
, you will find a program that is supposed to let you enter
a list of items for a grocery list. You finish entering items by entering a
blank line (just pressing enter). But this is what it does if you run it:
Enter an item: milk
Enter an item: eggs
Enter an item: butter
Enter an item:
(1) Working with a partner, use the debugger to step through the code and see what is going wrong.
(2) With your partner, fix the code so it works properly.
(3) Discuss what bugs you found and how you fixed them.
Places Visited
15 minutes
Use the file
to write a program that asks you to enter
places you have visited and then prints those out. You finish entering places by
entering a blank line (just pressing enter). The output should look like this:
Enter a place: Oregon
Enter a place: Washington, D.C.
Enter a place: Italy
Enter a place:
I have visited:
- Oregon
- Washington, D.C.
- Italy
The starter code looks like this:
def main():
# Write code here
if __name__ == '__main__':
Start by making a list of the functions you will call inside of main()
decompose the problem:
Function | Parameters | Description |
1. | ||
2. | ||
Discuss the functions you would use with the TA, and then write your code.
Puppy Libs
15 minutes
Use the file
to write a program that asks you to enter a series
of verbs ending in ing
. The list of verbs ends with a blank line. The program
then prints out The puppy is {verb}!
for each verb. It ends by printing
The puppy is taking a nap.
Here is some sample input and output:
Enter a verb ending in "ing": playing
Enter a verb ending in "ing": jumping
Enter a verb ending in "ing": barking
Enter a verb ending in "ing": eating
Enter a verb ending in "ing": laughing
Enter a verb ending in "ing":
The puppy is playing!
The puppy is jumping!
The puppy is barking!
The puppy is eating!
The puppy is laughing!
The puppy is taking a nap.
The starter code looks like this:
def main():
# Write code here
if __name__ == '__main__':
Start by making a list of the functions you will call inside of main()
decompose the problem:
Function | Parameters | Description |
1. | ||
2. | ||
Discuss the functions you would use with the TA, and then write your code.
Afer you write th code, discuss with the TA:
- What does this program have in common with the places visited one?
To finish this lab and receive a grade, take the canvas quiz.