To start this assignment, download this zip file.
Lab 2d — Variables
5 minutes
Download the zip file for this lab, located above. This zip file has worlds that
you will use for Bit. Extract the files and put them in your cs110
in a folder called lab2d
Warm up
5 minutes
Bit starts in a world called color2
and uses this code in
from byubit import Bit
def go(bit, color):
while bit.front_clear():
def fill_a_color(bit):
found_color = bit.get_color()
go(bit, found_color)
if __name__ == '__main__':
(1) What does the final world look like?
(2) How does the color get from bit.get_color()
to bit.paint(color)
Discuss with the TA if there is anything you don’t understand about variables or how this code works.
10 minutes
Bit starts in a world with some colors:
Bit should find each color and draw a box using that color:
There is a second starting world, so you cant count on the order or the number of colors being the same each time:
One of the important things you need for this problem is that Bit needs to decide if it is on a colored square. Then if it is, it needs to know the color of that square. You can do this with this code:
if not bit.is_empty():
color = bit.get_color()
# do something with that color
This is a decomposition problem that also uses variables. Work with a friend to draw out your solution. Remember the event stream pattern.
After you draw it out, discuss the steps with the TA.
Once you have a good idea of how to solve it, write code with a friend, using functions and variables.
After you write code, discuss your solution with the TA. How did you use variables? How many functions did you use to draw a box?
The TA can show the solution code when everyone is done, which has good decomposition.
You can find starter code in
15 minutes
Bit starts in a world with some incomplete lines in each row:
Bit should fill in the line in each row:
This is a decomposition problem that also uses variables. Work with a friend to draw out your solution. Remember the event stream pattern.
Hint: you want to fill the rows from bottom to top, so start by turning Bit left and then fill rows as long as the front is clear.
After you draw it out, discuss the steps with the TA.
Once you have a good idea of how to solve it, write code with a friend, using functions and variables.
After you write code, discuss your solution with the TA. How did you use variables? How many functions did you use to draw a box?
The TA can show the solution code when everyone is done, which has good decomposition.
You can find starter code in
10 minutes
Bit needs to paint the buds on some flowers. Here is one starting world:
Bit finds a color (red or blue), remembers it, and then finds the next flower stem (green). Bit paints a flower bud on top of the stem:
There is a second starting world with different colors for the flowers:
This is a decomposition problem that also uses variables. Work with a friend to draw out your solution. Remember the event stream pattern.
After you draw it out, discuss the steps with the TA.
Once you have a good idea of how to solve it, write code with a friend, using functions and variables.
After you write code, discuss your solution with the TA.
The TA can show the solution code when everyone is done, which has good decomposition.
Preview Homework
10 minutes
Discuss the next set of homework problems. Are there any difficulties you anticipate? Talk about decomposition strategies, but each student should write their own code.
To finish this lab and receive a grade, take the canvas quiz.