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Homework 6a — Mutability

1. Better Word Count

Write a program in that takes one argument:

  • an input file name

and prints out a dictionary showing how many words of each word length were found. The program provides counts for all word lengths from 1 to 20.

We have provided you with an example file in words.txt:

cat catch snooze seven pearl
concatenate silliness you
fireplace it cornered me

When you run the program, it should create this output:

python solutions/ words.txt
{1: 0, 2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 0, 5: 3, 6: 1, 7: 0, 8: 1, 9: 2, 10: 0, 11: 1, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 16: 0, 17: 0, 18: 0, 19: 0, 20: 0}

We have also given you some text in 1Nephi.txt that you can use as a test file.


  • Consider using range() to create keys for the dictionary and set the initial counts to zero.

  • Remember to strip punctuation, specifically '.,;:!?()'. This is needed to pass the test cases.

2. Picture Board

Write a program in that lets you put emojis into a picture board. The picture board has 5 available positions (identified by the indexes 0-4). The program should:

  • display the pictures
  • prompt you for a slot and picture
  • update the picture board

This repeats until you enter an empty string for the slot.

Follow this input and output carefully:

['', '', '', '', '']

Slot: 0
Pic: ⭐️
['⭐️', '', '', '', '']

Slot: 3
Pic: 🦆
['⭐️', '', '', '🦆', '']

Slot: 2
Pic: 🐟
['⭐️', '', '🐟', '🦆', '']

Slot: 0
Pic: 🚗
['🚗', '', '🐟', '🦆', '']



Consider initializing your board (using a list) before your input loop:

pics = ['', '', '', '', '']


Be sure you can pass the tests before you turn in the assignment. Review the guide on using pytest if you need to review using pytest and what to do if a test fails.


Better word count10
Picture board10